This category has crypto analysis and price trends. The analysis is updated weekly by crypto experts to help you make informed decisions in your trading journey. However, keep in mind that cryptocurrency is volatile and whatever information shared in this category is for informational purposes and should not be taken as financial advice.
Today, we look at the price analysis for Solana (SOL) one of the largest cryptocurrencies by market cap. The global crypto market has continued with t [...]
In our crypto analysis for today, we will examine the price of Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Ripple (XRP) to see if the growth can continue for t [...]
Surging by 14.97% for the last week, XRP got on the rails of the increased interest towards altcoins and crypto in general. The recent Bitcoin’s bulli [...]
The price of Bitcoin as well as other cryptocurrencies in the market is experiencing an upward trend. The market is currently in the green zone with t [...]
As of September 15, 2023, Bitcoin and most altcoins had retraced their gains, shortly after the SEC decided to delay making a decision on all recently [...]
Bitcoin price is yet to break the $32,500 level which may indicate a strong potential market structural shift to the upside, influencing a general bul [...]